Download below the detailed program of the LS2 Annual Meeting 2023 and its Young Scientists' Satellite or scroll down for more details of the different sessions.
Wednesday | 15.02.202312:00 – 19:00 |
12:00 – 12:30 | Registration - Young Scientists' Satellite |
12:30 – 13:00 | Welcome Coffee |
13:00 – 13:05 | Welcome Words Prof. Thomas Lutz (Chairman of the LS2 AM2023) from University of Zurich Prof. Didier Picard (President of the LS2) from University of Geneva. |
13:05 – 13:10 | Introduction from the Chairs of Satellite Ksenia Kapitanova (University of Geneva) Giulia Mazzini (University of Zurich) Dr. Magdalena Rausch (University Hospital of Zurich) Sigma Pradhan (University of Bern) |
13:10 – 13:45 | Keynote Lecture YSS Prof. Giles YEO University of Cambridge, UK➤ Visit Yeo's Lab Page Is obesity a choice? It is clear that the cause of obesity is a result of eating more than you burn. It is physics. What is more complex to answer is why some people eat more than others? Differences in our genetic make-up mean some of us are slightly more hungry all the time and so eat more than others. In contrast to the prevailing view, obesity is not a choice. People who are obese are not bad or lazy; rather, they are fighting their biology. Hide text… |
13:45 – 14:30 | Scientific Symposium I Short talks selected from abstracts - 10` talks (8`+ 2 Q&A)
14:30 – 15:00 | Coffee Break |
15:00 – 15:25 | Prix Schläfli 2022 Winner Lecture Dr. Anna-Katharina PFITZNER Biochemistry Department, University of Geneva, CH➤ Visit Pfitzner's Lab Page Membrane remodelling by dynamic ESCRT-III polymers The endosomal protein complex required for transport-III (ESCRT-III) participates in membrane remodelling processes of essentially all cellular organelles and catalyses membrane fission from within membrane necks in many crucial cellular functions, from cell division to lysosome degradation and autophagy. The simple protein structure shared by all ESCRT-III subunits can assemble into a large variety of filament shapes, however understanding of how these filaments achieve membrane remodelling and fission is limited. We characterized a sequential polymerization of ESCRT-III subunits that, driven by a continuous subunit-turnover powered by the ATPase Vps4, induces membrane deformation and fission. During this process, the exchange of subunits induces first a tilt in the polymer-membrane interface, which triggers transition from flat spiral polymers to helical filaments to drive the formation of membrane protrusions and ends with the formation of a highly constricted co-polymer that we show is competent to promote fission when bound on the inside of membrane necks. Overall, our results suggest a mechanism of gradual changes in ESCRT-III filament structure and mechanical properties via exchange of the filament subunits to drive ESCRT-III membrane remodelling activity. Hide text… |
15:25 – 16:10 | Scientific Symposium II Short talks selected from abstracts - 10` talks (8`+ 2 Q&A)
16:10 – 16:40 | Coffee Break |
16:40 – 17:40 | Panel Discussion Prof. Giles YEO University of Cambridge, UK➤ Visit Yeo's Lab Page Dr. Sophia L. SAMODELOV TransBioLine / University of Zurich. CH➤ Visit Samodelov's Lab Page Dr. Simon BREITLER EraCal Therapeutics, CH➤ Visit Breitler's Lab Page Dr. Christian TIDONA BioMed X Institute in Heidelberg. DE➤ Visit Tidona's Lab Page Prof. Heinz MÜLLER University of Basel. CH➤ Visit Müller's Lab Page |
17:40 – 17:45 | Closing Remarks |
17:45 – 19:00 | Ápero |
Thursday | 16.02.202308:00 – 19:20 |
08:00 – 09:00 | Registration, Welcome Coffee and Croissants, Mounting of Posters |
09:00 – 09:10 | Welcome Words Prof. Thomas Lutz (Chairman of the LS2 AM2023) from University of Zurich Prof. Didier Picard (President of the LS2, University of Geneva) |
09:10 – 09:45 | Keynote I Prof. Richard B. SIMERLY Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, US➤ Visit Simerly's Lab Page Developmental Neurobiology of Neural Circuits Controlling Feeding Behavior Hunger is a basic survival state that shapes much of the activities in the living world. As in other goal directed behaviors, food intake involves decisions resulting from neural integration of signals from the external environment (e.g. sight, taste, smell) and interosensory information that signals internal state to the brain. Interosensory information is conveyed to key circuit nodes responsible for goal directed behaviors by a complex system of neural connections, and the activity of these pathways has a significant impact on prioritization of external cues and adaptive responses. Hypothalamic neural networks maintain energy homeostasis by coordinating endocrine signals with behavioral and autonomic functions to ensure that behaviors and physiological responses remain in tune with environmental demands. Because the architecture of neural circuits determines how they function, a comprehensive understanding of how neural systems responsible for neuroendocrine integration are organized is essential, and we are working to determine how developmental events impact their construction and functional properties. By evaluating the impact of early hormonal and nutritional challenges on the brain wide organization of these essential neural systems, and by profiling neuronal responses to varied interosensory stimuli in vivo, we are gaining insight into neurobiological mechanisms underlying developmental programming of neuroendocrine integration, within the functional context of feeding behavior. Hide text… |
09:45 – 10:15 | Lelio Orci Award Winner Lecture Prof. Susan M. GASSER ISREC Foundation➤ Visit Gasser's Lab Page How chromatin shapes the genome Segregation of genomic regions into accessible euchromatin and inaccessible heterochromatin is essential for temporal and tissue-specific gene transcription. In C. elegans, the SETDB1 homolog MET-2 promotes heterochromatic silencing of satellite repeats, transposable elements and tissue-specific genes, by promoting the demethylation of histone H3 lysine 9. The segregation of heterochromatin from euchromatin helps maintain tissue integrity by restricting gene expression and stabilizing the genome. Animals lacking the H3K9 HMT show temperature-dependent phenotypes including a loss of fertility, developmental delay, and shortened lifespan. MET-2’s ability to preserve heterochromatin repression coincides with concentration in nuclear foci through physical interaction with the intrinsically disordered protein LIN-65. These foci have a second, non-catalytic function that contributes to gene repression to a limited extent. Catalytically deficient MET-2 was sufficient to reduce H3K9 and H3K27 acetylation at a subset of promoters and enhancers, and to restore fertility to a met-2 strain. We suggest that germline integrity stems in part from an appropriate organization of heterochromatic vs euchromatic domains. Hide text… |
10:15 – 10:45 | Coffee Break / Industry Exhibition |
10:45 – 12:35 | PIs of Tomorrow Competition (PIOT) More information of the PIOT competition 2023 here. PIOT Finalists:
PIOT Chairs:
12:35 – 14:15 | Lunch Break / Industry Exhibiton / Poster Viewing Catering for industry representatives will be open from 12:05. |
Feedback Session PIs of Tomorrow For jury, chairs and finalists only | |
MCB Section Board Meeting Upon invitation only | |
SSEP Council Meeting Upon invitation only | |
14:15 – 16:15 | Parallel Symposia Session I |
Life on Earth: Coping with Challenges: Mitochondria Biology Dr. Lena PERNAS Max Plank Institute, DE➤ Visit Pernas' Lab Page Prof. Suliana MANLEY EPFL, CH➤ Visit Manley's Lab Page Selected speakers from abstracts - 15` talks (12`+ 3 Q&A)
Organized by the LS2 Section Molecular and Cellular Biosciences. Chaired by Prof. Monica Gotta (University of Geneva) and Prof. Suliana Manley (EPFL). | |
Coping with Hypoxia and High Altitude Prof. Martina U. MUCKENTHALER University Hospital Heidelberg, Department of Pediatric Oncology, DE➤ Visit Muckenthaler's Lab Page Selected speakers from abstracts - 15` talks (10`+ 5 Q&A)
Organized and chaired by Prof. Max Gassmann (University of Zurich). | |
Understanding the Complexity of Life: From Data to Insight Dr. Macarena TOLL-RIERA Institute of Integrative Biology, ETH Zurich, CH➤ Visit Toll-Riera's Lab Page Prof. Tanja KORTEMME UCSF, US➤ Visit Kortemme's Lab Page Selected speaker from abstracts - 10` talks (8`+ 2 Q&A)
Organized by the LS2 Section Systems Biology. Chaired by Prof. Sahand Rahi (EPFL) and Dr. Simon Blanchoud (University of Fribourg). | |
New Avenues in Erythropoietin Research and Drug Development Prof. Sina M. COLDEWEY Jena University Hospital, DE➤ Visit Coldewey's Lab Page Selected speakers from abstracts - 15` talks (10`+ 5 Q&A)
Organized by the Swiss Society Experimental Pharmacology (SSEP). Chaired by Prof. Andrea Huwiler (University of Bern) and Dr. Stephan Kellenberger (University of Lausanne). | |
Deepening the Understanding of Biodiversity Through Genome Sequencing and Artificial Intelligence Prof. Daniele SILVESTRO University of Fribourg / SIB - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. CH➤ Visit Silvestro's Lab Page Selected speakers from abstracts - 15` talks (10`+ 5 Q&A)
Organized by the LS2 Intersection Bioinformatics. Chaired by Prof. Katja Bärenfaller (University of Zurich / SIB - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics). | |
16:15 – 16:45 | Coffee Break / Industry Exhibition / Poster Viewing |
16:45 – 17:20 | Keynote II Prof. Sharona E. GORDON Department of Physiology & Biophysics, University of Washington School of Medicine, US➤ Visit Gordon's Lab Page Real-time traffic: new optical tools for measuring exocytosis and endocytosis applied to TRPV1 ion channels The sensitivity of peripheral pain-receptor neurons to noxious thermal and chemical stimuli is tuned by a variety of receptors and second messengers, in part through tuning the sensitivity and number of TRPV1 ion channels that act as receptors for thermal and chemical stimuli. The gain can be decreased, producing desensitization, or increased, producing hyperalgesia. Over the last decade, significant progress has been made in understanding both desensitization and hyperalgesia at the cellular and molecular levels. This talk will focus on the mechanisms regulating plasma membrane density of TRPV1 ion channels. Nerve growth factor released onto sensory neurons during inflammation triggers a signaling cascade that increases the number of TRPV1 ion channels in the neuronal plasma membrane. The increased number of channels make the cell more sensitive to noxious TRPV1 activators. We have recently developed new click chemistry tools to label TRPV1 channels on the cell surface with unprecedented speed and specificity. Together with genetic code expansion to incorporate noncanonical amino acid click substrates into TRVP1 and optogenetic methods to manipulate the nerve growth factor signaling cascade, these tools allow us to dissect the steps of TRPV1 trafficking– or any membrane protein – in living cells in real time. Hide text… |
17:20 – 18:40 | Poster Session & Industry Exhibition |
18:40 – 19:20 | Apéro & Industry Exhibition |
Friday | 17.02.202309:00 – 17:15 |
09:00 – 09:05 | Welcome Words |
09:05 – 09:40 | Keynote III - The EMBO Keynote Lecture Prof. Lea SISTONEN Turku Centre for Biotechnology, Åbo Akademi University, FI➤ Visit Sistonen's Lab Page Stress-type specific genome-wide transcription programs of genes and enhancers Cellular stress triggers re-programming of transcription, which is fundamental for the maintenance of protein homeostasis, also called proteostasis, under adverse growth conditions. Stress-induced changes in transcription include induction of cytoprotective genes and repression of genes related to the regulation of the cell cycle, transcription programs, and metabolism. Induction of transcription is mediated through the activation of stress-responsive transcriptions factors that facilitate the release of stalled RNA polymerase II, thereby allowing for transcriptional elongation. Repression of transcription, in turn, involves components that retain RNA polymerase II in a paused state in gene promoters. Moreover, transcription during stress is regulated by a massive activation of enhancers and complex changes in chromatin organization. Heat shock has provided an excellent model to investigate the mechanisms of nascent transcription, but less is known about the transcriptional regulation upon other types of cellular stress. Therefore, we examined re-programming of genes and enhancers in response to two distinct stresses, i.e. oxidative stress and heat shock by combining different genome-wide analyses (PRO-seq and ChIP-seq). This approach allowed determining the target repertoire of specific members of the heat shock factor (HSF) family. We found that HSF1 and HSF2 drive stress-type specific transcription programs and that besides functioning as promoter-binding transcription factors, both HSFs activate genes through enhancers in response to oxidative stress and heat shock. Intriguingly, in contrast to the promoter-bound HSF1, which regulates classical chaperone genes, recruitment of HSF1 to enhancers is required for the induction of genes encoding proteins that reside in the plasma membrane. It is also plausible that the capacity of HSFs to orchestrate transcription via enhancers is not limited to stress responses, since HSFs play important roles also in developmental and pathological processes, such as progression of cancer. |
09:40 – 10:20 | Coffee Break / Industry Exhibition / Poster Viewing |
10:20 – 12:05 | Parallel Symposia Session II |
Understanding the Role of Ion Channels and Membrane Transporters in Cardiac and Renal Diseases Prof. Rose Ellen DIXON University of California Davis, US➤ Visit Dixon's Lab Page Prof. Eric FERAILLE PHYM department, University of Geneva, CH➤ Visit Feraille's Lab Page Fitzwilliam SEIBERTZ University of Göttingen / Representative of Nanion Technologies. DE➤ Visit Seibertz's Lab Page Selected speakers from abstracts - 8` talks (6`+ 2 Q&A)
Industry talk:
Organized by the LS2 Section Ion Channels and Membrane Transporters. Chaired by Prof. Maud Frieden (University of Geneva) and Prof. Katja Odening (University of Bern). | |
Challenging Blood Flow Conditions in Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Prof. Paul C. EVANS University of Sheffield, UK➤ Visit Evans' Lab Page Prof. Dan MENG Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Fudan University, CN➤ Visit Meng's Lab Page Selected speakers from abstracts - 15` talks (10`+ 5 Q&A)
Organized by the LS2 Intersection Cardiovascular Biology. Chaired by Prof. Elena Osto (University of Zurich) and Prof. Marie Luce Piallat (University of Geneva). | |
Innate Immunity Across Life Kingdoms Prof. Andrea ABLASSER EPFL, CH➤ Visit Ablasser's Lab Page Prof. Stefanie RANF Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, CH➤ Visit Ranf's Lab Page Selected speakers from abstracts - 15` talks (10`+ 5 Q&A)
Organized by the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of Zurich. Chaired by Prof. Cyril Zipfel (University of Zurich) and Prof. Bruno Lemaitre (EPFL). | |
12:05 – 13:05 | Lunch Break / Industry Exhibition Catering for industry representatives will be open from 11:35 |
ICMT Section Board Meeting Upon invitation only | |
13:05 – 14:05 | Poster session |
14:05 – 15:50 | Parallel Symposia Session III |
Cell Death and Its Consequences Prof. Ana J. GARCIA SAEZ University of Cologne, DE➤ Visit Garcia Saez's Lab Page Prof. Pascal MEIER The Institute of Cancer Research, UK➤ Visit Meier's Lab Page Selected speakers from abstracts - 10` talks (8`+ 2 Q&A)
Selected speaker from abstracts - 15` talks (10`+ 5 Q&A)
Organized by the Department of Immunology (University of Lausanne). Chaired by Prof. Lynn-Wong (University of Zurich) and Prof. Petr Broz (University of Lausanne). | |
Canonical and Non-canonical Functions of Autophagy Prof. Claudine KRAFT University of Freiburg, DE➤ Visit Kraft's Lab Page Prof. Ivan DIKIC Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany & Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, DE➤ Visit Dikic's Lab Page Selected speakers from abstracts - 15` talks (10`+ 5 Q&A)
Organized by the LS2 Section Autophagy. Chaired by Prof. Julien Puyal (University of Lausanne) and/or Asst. Prof. Vassiliki Nikoletopoulou (University of Lausanne) | |
Single Cell Proteomics: Are We There Yet? Dr. Edward EMMOTT Centre for Proteome Research, University of Liverpool, UK➤ Visit Emmott's Lab Page Prof. Bernd BODENMILLER Department of Quantitative Biomedicine, University of Zurich, CH➤ Visit Bodenmiller's Lab Page Bruker SWITZERLAND AG➤ Visit Switzerland AG's Lab Page Selected speakers from abstracts - 10` talks (8`+ 2 Q&A)
Industry talk:
Organized by the LS2 Section Proteomics. Chaired by Dr. Paolo Nanni (University of Zurich) and Dr. Maria Pavlou (EPFL)
| |
15:50 – 16:10 | Coffee Break / Industry Exhibition / Poster Viewing |
16:10 – 16:40 | Friedrich Miescher Award Winner Lecture Prof. Barbara TREUTLEIN ETH Zurich➤ Visit Treutlein's Lab Page Understanding brain development and regeneration with single cell technologies The brain is a highly complex and fascinating organ and we are interested in understanding how cellular heterogeneity emerges during brain development and how brain cells can regenerate upon injury. We are tackling these questions by applying and further developing integrative, multi-modal single-cell technologies. |
16:40 – 17:10 | Awards Ceremony |
17:10 – 17:15 | Closing Remarks |