Prizes to win for Participants
Three exhibition prizes will be given at the e-meeting:
- 1st prize sponsored by Vitaris, voucher for Apple store, 500 CHF
- 2nd prize sponsored by Zeiss, voucher for Interdiscount shop, 400 CHF
- 3rd prize sponsored by Bioconcept, voucher for Manor shop, 200 CHF
How to win the Prizes: as a participant of the conference, you'll fill an online quiz at the Exhibition webpage. Simply collect as many good answers as possible in the industry exhibition at booths of your choice.
Eight poster prizes will be given at the e-meeting:
- FEBS Letters poster prize, given by LS2 MCB (Molecular and Cellular Biosciences) section, 200CHF
- FEBS Letters poster prize, given by LS2 Autophagy section, 200CHF
- SSEP poster prize is awarded for the best poster related to pharmacology, 500CHF
- Poster prize of the Department of cell physiology and metabolism from the University of Geneva given by LS2 Physiology section, 500CHF
- MS Wil poster prize, given by LS2 MCB (Molecular and Cellular Biosciences) section, 500CHF
- Zeiss poster prize, given by LS2 Microscopy intersection, 500CHF
- Cells-MDPI poster prize, in the category Ageing / cell and molecular biology, 500CHF
- Cells-MDPI poster prize, in the category Ageing / cell and molecular biology, 500CHF
Thank you to our sponsors who support those prizes.
Prof. Andrea Ablasser and Prof. Prisca Liberali are co-awarded the Friedrich Miescher Award 2021
For this edition, the Friedrich Miescher Award selection committee examined again outstanding proposals and decided to split the 2021 prize between two awardees, Prof. Andrea Ablasser from EPFL, Lausanne and Prof. Prisca Liberali from FMI, Basel.
Prof. Andrea Ablasser focuses her research on cell sensing and response to the presence of cytosolic DNA as a danger signal. Over the past years, she has made several significant contributions to this central aspect of biology, and offered a major breakthrough in the field with the discovery and characterization of the cGAS-cGAMP-STING pathway. She is a co-founder of a biopharmaceutical company: IFM Therapeutics.
Prof. Prisca Liberali is a pioneer in defining mechanisms that drive cell-to-cell variability and its involvement in the emergence of complex cellular traits. She takes a systematic, biochemical approach to understanding the emergent properties of morphologically and functionally distinct cell types from a collection of cells that start out with identical characteristics.
The award lectures will take place on the 19th of February at 16h20 during the LS2 Annual Meeting 2021.
Prof. Jean Gruenberg is awarded the Lelio Orci Award 2020
The Lelio Orci Prize has been attributed to Jean Gruenberg (University of Geneva) for his contributions towards a better understanding of the biology of cellular membranes, and his discoveries of the principles responsible for the biogenesis and dynamics of endosomal membranes in health and disease. His work has changed our understanding of endocytic transport with far-reaching implications that range from fundamental aspects of cellular structure and function, to cholesterol metabolism, and viral infection.
The award lecture will take place the 19th of February at 14h50 during the LS2 Annual Meeting 2021.
Dr. Alice Berhin is awarded the Prix Schläfli 2020 of the Swiss Academy of Sciences
Dr. Alice Berhin is awarded for her PhD work on plant surface structures:
The Root Cap Cuticle: A Cell Wall Structure for Seedling Establishment and Lateral Root Formation, 2019, Cell 176, 1367–1378. Alice Berhin, Damien de Bellis, Rochus B. Franke, Rafael A. Buono, Moritz K. Nowack, Christiane Nawrath.
The award lecture will take place the 17th of February at 13h50 during the LS2 Annual Meeting 2021.
The Prix Schläfli of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) is one of the oldest prizes in Switzerland, rewarding the best Swiss PhDs in natural sciences. Since the first awarding in 1866, 119 young talents have been distinguished. Find more information here.
PI's Of Tomorrow Competition
We have received 66 applications!! More than ever. A big thanks goes to all of you for your efforts and to the evaluation committee for their tough work to select the best applications. Here are our 4 finalists (more details here):
- Eduardo Martin Moraud - CHUV Lausanne (CH)
- Elisa Araldi - ETH Zürich (CH)
- Traian Popa - EPFL (CH)
- Karina Silina - UZH (CH)
LS2 winner of Cells 2021 Academic Conference Grant - MDPI
We are very proud to announce that LS2 with its LS2 Annual Meeting 2021 is one of the two winners of the "Cells 2021 Academic Conference Grants" from Cells - MDPI. The award will be dedicated to promoting academic exchange with two actions:
- Cell-MDPI poster prize in the category "Ageing - cell and molecular biology": 1000 CHF *
- Support the development of an extra communication channel (chat) on the virtual conference platform called "academic exchange". In this channel participants can offer academic visits to their groups, job positions or openly write if their wish to carry out an academic exchange / research visit in a certain field.
We are sure these two actions will promote not only the academic exchange but also the networking among all the participants.
Thank you very much to the Cells-MDPI committee for this recognition.
* This prize should be used to attend a conference or for a research visit and is intented to help with conference cost, travel and accomodation.