
We thank all our confirmed exhibitors of the 2021 edition



IGZ Instruments

Eurofins Genomics - The DNA Universe

OLS - Your Partner in Cell Research

ZEISS - Microscopes for Life Sciences

Beckman Coulter

Enzo Life Sciences

Exhibition Prizes

We encourage all participants to attend the exhibition as our industry partners greatly contribute to the success of this congress. This quiz allow to have more interaction at your virtual booth, promote you as exhibitor & increase knowledge about your products and technologies.

All exhibitors participate automatically upon registration of an exhibition booth at the LS2 Annual Meeting 2021. In the registration form, you as exhibitor tell us the question participants should answer at your booth for the Exhibition quiz. Participants need to collect as many correct answer as possible.
Three prizes can be won by participants, these can all be sponsored by you.

1. Prize - Voucher for Apple store 500 CHF
sponsored by Vitaris

2. Prize - Voucher for Interdiscount shop 400 CHF
sponsored by Zeiss

3. Prize - Voucher for Manor shop 200 CHF
sponsored by Bioconcept

How to win the Prizes
As a participant of the conference, you'll fill an online quiz at the Exhibition webpage. Simply collect as many good answers as possible in the industry exhibition at booths of your choice. Good Luck!
Thank you to our sponsors who support those prizes.