Young Scientists' Satellite

Tuesday 11 February 2025 from 12:00 pm 

Satellite meeting chairs

Melvin Alappat (UZH

Melvin is a second-year PhD candidate at the University of Zürich's Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology. He is passionate about unravelling the mysteries of painful diabetic neuropathy. His research is specifically focused on understanding how diabetes mellitus alters oligodendrocyte dynamics and myelin homeostasis in the central nervous system. Recognizing the LS2 society as an incredible opportunity for PhD students across Switzerland to connect and engage in outstanding scientific discourse, he is excited to be an active part of this community. Outside of the lab, Melvin enjoys different kinds of workouts, photography, and spending good time with friends.


Jibira Yakubu (UNIBE)


Yakubu Jibira is a second-year PhD candidate in the esteemed laboratory of Prof. Amit V. Pandey at the Translational Hormone Research Lab, Department of Biomedical Research (DBMR), Graduate School of Cellular and Biomedical Sciences (GCB), University of Bern. His research is focused on unravelling the mechanisms of androgen signalling in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, with a particular emphasis on identifying novel therapeutic agents targeting the CYP17A1 lyase and CYB5 interaction. Beyond the lab, Yakubu finds solace in solo hiking adventures, immersing himself in the world of literature, watching Liverpool FC games and playing football too. As one of the co-chairs of the Young Scientists Satellite Program at the 2025 LS2 Annual Meeting, he is eager to foster connections among postgraduate students and contribute to the vibrant scientific community.

Satellite Workshop

"Mastering connections: the power of listening and communicating effectively" by  Elena Barletta (ESN Switzerland)

Description: Communication is the milestone of every successful interaction, yet the power of listening is often underestimated. Active listening goes beyond hearing words; it involves understanding emotions, perspectives, and underlying needs. This immersive workshop aims to delve into the principles of effective communication and cultivate the art of empathetic listening. Participants will explore the meaning and significance of effective communication, identify its key principles, and share their insights and ideas. Through interactive discussions and activities, attendees will unlock deeper connections and meaningful relationships, gaining a thorough understanding of what makes communication truly effective and how to apply these principles in various contexts.


Bio: Elena Barletta is currently a 4th year PhD student at the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF) - University of Zurich. She is also a part of a volunteering non-profit association working to improve the social and practical integration of international students, called Erasmus Student Network (ESN), with headquarters in Brussels. Elena specifically operates nationally in ESN Switzerland, with headquarters in Liebefeld, there She holds the position of Training and Development Officer, responsible for creating and implementing the yearly "learning and development plan" of ESN in Switzerland which is focused on enhancing/developing the skills of students, volunteers, and youth workers. Elena has been a certified trainer from the Council of Europe since 2022 but with an experience of around 15 years in the field. She is also a part of an internal ESN association called Eduk8 which provides Non-Formal Education (NFE) to ESN and other non-profit associations. Elena is experienced in delivering workshops on different topics, with a focus on Mental Health and Youth, Competence Management, Communication, and Business and Finance.