Scientific Symposia

LS2 Annual Meeting 2022 is holding 10 scientific symposia in 3 different sessions (see details of each symposia below):


Symposia on Thursday 21 April 2022 / 17:30 - 19:30 (CET)

  • "Advances in Translational Pharmacology" - Swiss Society of Experimental Pharmacology
  • "From Genotype to Phenotype: Quantify, Integrate and Predict" - Systems Biology LS2 Section
  • "Implication of the Circadian Clock in Sleep and Mood Regulation" - Physiology LS2 Section (17:30 - 18:30)
  • "Host-Parasite Interactomes" - Swiss Society of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (18:30 - 19:30)


Symposia on Friday 22 April 2022 / 10:00 - 12:00 (CET)

  • "Computational and AI-Driven Drug/Vaccine Discovery" - Biophysics LS2 Section
  • "Biochemistry in 2020s: Quantitation, Integration and Prediction" - Molecular and Cellular Biosciences LS2 Section (10:00 - 11:00)
  • "Handling large-scale Complex Datasets: Integration, Modeling, Prediction" - Bioinformatics LS2 Intersection

Due to a change of dates, the cardiovascular symposium "From heart to vessels: insights from single cell analysis" has been cancelled. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


Symposia on Friday 22 April 2022 / 13:20 - 15:20 (CET)

  • "Computational Approaches for Biological Imaging " - Microscopy LS2 Intersection
  • "Cell Biology in the 2020s: Dynamics, Quantitation, Integration and Prediction" - Molecular and Cellular Bioscience LS2 Section
  • "Combining Proteomics and Genomics for Advanced Precision Medicine" - Proteomics LS2 Section